Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

1. A smile is a leaky umbrella.

I wonder where that saying originated. Let your smile be your umbrella and your face will get wet.

2. Can't remember any is my favorite board or card game.

Used to LOVE to play Canasta with Grandma. Many years later, couldn't even figure out the rules/directions to teach the kiddo how to play. Am I getting old or what?

3. I would love to have more peace in my life and less vexation.

Lately I've been surrounded by Drama Queens, and if the drama had been interesting, it might have been a pleasure.

4. When I think of the Summer Solstice, I think of the Celts and Ireland.

And I want to go there.

5. I just remembered I need to buy more Doubleshot Starbucks.

It's an addiction. May Coffee have Mercy on my Soul.

6. One of my favorite song lyrics goes like this: I don't care what consequence it brings. I have been a fool for lessor things.

Story of my life.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to the one night this week I haven't had to attend a &^%!ng Fire Department meeting, tomorrow my plans include yardwork and Sunday, I want to see THE HAPPENING!

If I survive the yardwork, that is.


  1. I really love the Friday fill-ins, even though I don't do them myself, I like to read what you've written. Stay cool....

  2. Great fll-ins! I love to play Canasta, but I was 50 before I learned how. Have a great weekend!

  3. What's that lyric from?

    Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

  4. Anonymous5:23 PM

    The Longest Time - Billy Joel


Glad to hear from you!