Thursday, May 26, 2011

End of the World

We're on the pier at Pismo when I look up and see this.

The world was supposed to end the day before and hadn't, but my first thought was -- maybe the world is ending now due to a east coast/west coast daylight savings time foul-up and here I am in California.

Not where I expected to be come the end of the world.

So, I stand there staring into the sky, taking pictures (trying to burn out my eyes and camera sensor) and shortly I hear murmurs around me, and when I check, the crowd on the pier are all looking up, pointing, becoming equally unnerved by a natural phenomena. Didn't take much imagination to see how our primitive forebears could be spooked into sacrificing virgins to appease a god whose unseen hand was messing with the weather.

Just when we think we're civilized as all get out, nature sends us scuttling back to our caves.

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