Monday, January 23, 2006

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Pooks is posting a picture of her office as inspiration to clean it up. She linked to the blog of novelist Jenny Cruisie where exists this picture of Jenny's desk that made me say, "Oh my God!"

I followed one link after another and discovered, apparently, there is a sub-culture or something where friends with neat desks tease their messy desk friends into attempting desk reclamation. So far, these are all in the nature of New Year's Resolutions so results are forthcoming.

My desk is neat. I've had to dust a time or two before I could sit down to work. Aha, you think. She's a little anal. No, I am a world class procrastinator.

Remember the movie, Throw Mama From The Train? Billy Crystal plays a writer. He sits in front of his typewriter. Then he sharpens some pencils. Then he sharpens some more pencils. Then he puts the pencils in a neat line. The second pencil is where I started laughing, and thought, a real writer wrote that.

So, my desk is neat.

Pooks has an idea, everybody should post a picture of their office. Ok.

My old desk doesn't arabesque,
in the morning when I first arrive.
It's a pleasure to see it's waiting there for me
to keep my hopes alive.

Good Old Desk -- Harry Nilsson


  1. I need to develop "clean desk" as a procrastination tool, damn it.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    thats a good song


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