Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

1. Follow the leader and you'll end up where everyone else is.

2. A camera is something I always take with me on vacation.

3. To achieve your goals, you must dream big and work hard.

4. I make my own notebooks is something I'd like you to know about me.

5. I have a seriously crowded office.

6. Ice and poop float.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the end of errand day, tomorrow my plans include going to Bozeman! and Sunday, I want to clean house then rest!


  1. Making your own notebooks sounds interesting ;0)

  2. I NEVER "want" to clean house. I ALMOST put "poop" for number 6! LOL!

  3. A camera is a good idea. BTW: I have a BOX OF BOOKS to giveaway. Come see my fill-ins and check out the sidebar.

  4. thanks for reminding me I'm out of ice!

    Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

  5. I almost said poop for #6. For some unknown reason, I decided to be demure with my answers! LOL

  6. i never leave home without my camera!

    TGIF! Enjoy your weekend!

    Here's mine... thanks!!

  7. You most be from Montana. I'm from the state west of you.

    Coffee is on.

  8. Well I'm not sure you'll find me, as I'm not the kind that follows the leader. LOL!

    Feel welcome to visit my fill ins ::here::.

    Have a great weekend!


Glad to hear from you!