Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday Lists

Random Favorites

What's your favorite...

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger movie?


2. Spice Girl?


3. Luncheon meat?

Turkey, but occasionally I hear the White Man’s Revenge calling out to me. (Bologna with mayo on white bread.)

4. Jim Henson character?


5. Salad dressing?

Green Goddess.

What's your guilty pleasure:

1. Joke

My mother was trying to tell me a joke one time that went like this:

Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon and Newt Gingreich were on the Titanic.

I said, “If only.”

And then she went away and I never heard the end of the joke.

My bad.

2. Movie


3. Song

Bad To The Bone.

4. TV show

Will and Grace reruns because I never watched it when it was on the first time.

5. Magazine



1. What are the top three places you’d like to visit before you die?

Ireland. Italy. Greece.

2. Who would be your ideal travel buddy?

Someone who won’t complain about carrying my camera bag.

3. What’s the longest time you’ve been away from home?

10 days in New York. I think. I don’t get away much.

4. Where's the best place you’ve ever visited?

The Beach.

5. What’s your favorite travel story?

It doesn’t matter where we go or how long it took to get there, we can get home in one day. One. Which leads me to believe, home is downhill from everywhere.

Old Skool

1. What book were you forced to read in English class that made you want to gouge your eyes out?

Mill on the Floss.

2. What was your best elementary school science project?

Volcano. Didn’t everybody make one of those?

3. What was your favorite thing to do at recess?


4. Did you ever participate in a school play?

Yep, in Vacation Bible School.

5. Describe your most embarrassing school photo or early fashion faux pas.

Early fashion faux pas? Do they count if you’re still making them? I once traipsed around the library whilst I thought great thoughts and did arcane research and thought myself oh, so cool, only to realize as I went out the door that I had my turtleneck top tucked inside my long underwear and waist of my jeans was riding two inches below the waistband of my long underwear. Oh, what a fetching sight I was. Had my underwear fetched up to my ribs.

And it wasn’t that long ago.


Last But Not Least

1. Last present you gave someone?

Hipster PDA to my college girl who mocked it as so not hip.

2. Last time you danced?

Danced around my office last Thursday when I finally realized why the speakers on the computer weren’t working and suddenly had a Ringo Starr song vibrating the window.

3. Last meal you cooked?

Potato Tart.

4. Last letter you wrote?

Wrote one to the college girl not long ago. Trying to show her there exists a mode of communication other than email and cel.

To no avail, I might add.

5. Last time you got on a plane?

I haven’t flown since 9/11.

Guess that makes me kind of a sissy, but it hurt my heart to see airports turned into armed camps.

No, I don’t have a better solution.

Probably a good thing, I don’t travel much.

This Meme courtesy Monday’s a Bitch.

1 comment:

  1. Re: the Titanic joke - that's hilarious that you said "if only" and your mom walked away. Hey - that's not your "bad" - that was GOOD!


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